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South Korea's shipbuilding industry is set to
As high Jae-ho after the New Year gathering at the meeting of the Korea Shipbuilders' Association sa...
[ 2024/5/28 ]More>>
Visit the National People's Congress, in the aircraft industry to fly Mengxiang Kai, chairman of
2012 is a crucial year for China's general aviation industry in Meng Xiangkai eyes. The state has ad...
[ 2024/5/27 ]More>>
Manufacturing upgrade driven robot needs to build base
The shipbuilding industry is one of Korea's most important manufacturing industries and pillar indus...
[ 2019/11/30 ]More>>
Lin Yifu: "4000000000000" China is still insufficient investment in infrastructure
Even under the 2008 implementation of China's 4 trillion stimulus plan, vigorously develop the infra...
[ 2019/11/30 ]More>>
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